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Crafting with Cat Hair

英文原版 5年前 (2019-10-29) 已收录 0个评论 扫描二维码


Are your favorite sweaters covered with cat hair? Are there fur balls piled up in every corner of your home? And do you love to make quirky and one-of-a-kind crafting projects? If so, it’s time to throw away your lint roller and curl up with your kitty! “Crafting with Cat Hair” shows readers how to transform stray clumps of fur into soft and adorable handicrafts. From kitty tote bags and finger puppets to fluffy cat toys, picture frames, and more, these projects are cat-friendly, eco-friendly, and require no special equipment or training. You can make most of these projects in under an hour-with a little help, of course, from your feline friends!


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